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安恒公司 / 业界动态 / 福禄克网络新掌门人-Paul Caragher荣任Fluke Networks公司总裁
福禄克网络新掌门人-Paul Caragher荣任Fluke Networks公司总裁
2007-03-27    安恒公司 市场部       阅读:

Paul Caragher荣任Fluke Networks公司总裁EVERETT, Washington — 福禄克网络公司为企业和通信网络测试、监测和分析提供屡获殊荣的网络超*透视(Network SuperVision™)解决方案,该公司日前宣布Paul Caragher*生荣任公司董事长。

Caragher在此之前为Hach Lange公司的业务部总裁(Business Unit Director),该公司主要制造和销售水质分析仪器。在Hach Lange公司期间,Caragher*生领导制定了公司进入工业市场的策略,以及负责管理过程仪器业务,在这两个阶段中均实现了两位数的增长。Fluke Networks和Hach Lange公司均为Danaher集团的子公司。

“我的第*要务将是熟悉我们的产品和服务,占用较多的时间与我们的销售队伍并肩作战,但*重要的是与我们的客户进行接触。” Caragher*生表示:“我期盼与Fluke Networks共同学习、共同进步,成为已经在千变万化的行业环境下成就了公司的团队中的*分子。”

“我很高兴有Paul来领导Fluke Networks的队伍。”Fluke Networks公司的前任董事长Chris Odell说:“他在Danaher内部保持有持续的成功记录及核心价值观,他将继续推动Fluke Networks在网络超*透视领域的成功。”

安恒公司总裁黄嵩与Paul Caragher

Caragher*生曾获得通用汽车奖学金(General Motors Fellowship)进入哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School),并在2002年以特*(High Distinction)成绩获得MBA学位。他还获得密歇根州立大学的学士学位(BA)。Caragher*生在进入Danaher集团之前,曾在通用汽车公司(General Motors Corporation)和普华永道(Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP)的前身国际公共会计师事务所(Coopers & Lybrand LLP)任职。

[图] 安恒公司总裁黄嵩受邀拜访Fluke Networks总部,黄嵩与Paul Caragher合影。






Paul Caragher Named President of Fluke Networks
March 05, 2007

Track record of operational success, multi-national experience prepare Caragher for new role

EVERETT, Washington — Fluke Networks, provider of award-winning Network SuperVision™ solutions for the testing, monitoring and analysis of enterprise and telecommunications networks, announced today that Paul Caragher has been named President of the company.

Caragher comes to Fluke Networks from his role as Business Unit Director at Hach Lange, a manufacturer and distributor of analytical instruments used to test water quality. At Hach Lange, Caragher led the strategy development for the company’s entrance into the industrial market and managed the Process Instrumentation business, driving double-digit growth in both segments.  Fluke Networks and Hach Lange are both part of the Danaher family of companies. 

“My first focus will be on learning our products and services, spending time in the field with our sales team, but most importantly, I’ll be getting to know our customers,” said Caragher.  “I’m looking forward to learning and growing with Fluke Networks, and becoming part of the team that has built a very successful company in an extremely dynamic industry.”

“We are excited about having Paul lead the Fluke Networks team,” said Chris Odell, founding President of Fluke Networks and current Chairman.  “He has a proven record of success within Danaher along with the necessary core values to continue to deliver Fluke Networks’ promise of Network SuperVision.

Caragher was awarded the General Motors Fellowship to attend Harvard Business School and there earned his MBA with High Distinction in 2002. He also holds a BA in Accounting from Michigan State University.  Prior to his roles with Danaher, Caragher held positions with General Motors Corporation and Coopers & Lybrand LLP, a predecessor firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

About Fluke Networks
Fluke Networks provides innovative solutions for the installation and certification, testing, monitoring and analysis of copper, fiber and wireless networks used by enterprises and telecommunications carriers. The company's comprehensive line of Network SuperVision™ Solutions provide network installers, owners, and maintainers with superior vision, combining speed, accuracy and ease of use to optimize network performance. Headquartered in Everett, Washington, the company distributes its products in more than 50 countries.

责任编辑: admin

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